Verify, by Encore, is a web3 alternative to captcha. Since captcha has been around for 15+ years there are countless tools to beat it and it’s a terrible user experience. Verify was built for web3 and designed to be a better experience for users.

See an example of the Verify experience here.

By using Verify, you agree to Encore’s Term and Conditions


Configuring Verify on Metaplex’s Candy Machine v2

The full Candy Machine v2 documentation is here

You can enable gatekeeper settings in your config.json with the following values:

Encore (Verify) gatekeeper network address: "tibePmPaoTgrs929rWpu755EXaxC7M3SthVCf6GzjZt"

"gatekeeper": {    
		"gatekeeperNetwork" : "tibePmPaoTgrs929rWpu755EXaxC7M3SthVCf6GzjZt",    
		"expireOnUse" : true

This will enable a Verify challenge once the mint button is clicked - only after passing the Verify challenge you will be allowed to mint.